Using OSM online payments for events
At the time of writing (Aug 2023) we are using a monthly Direct Debit system for paying subs. This is a 'set and forget' system to make payment and collection of subs easy. Subs are currently set at £15 per month.
However for one-off activities and events we use a system for our administration called Online Scout Manager (OSM) which offers us a facility that allows all parents the ability to pay for their son/daughter’s activities/events by an online payment method.
This facility is through a company called GoCardless. (GoCardless is sponsored by the Royal Bank of Scotland and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority). All payments are protected by the Direct Debit Guarantee.
You will be sent a Payment Request email via Online Scout Manager when a payment is due. You will also be sent automatic reminders as the due date for payment approaches. The system is very simple and once you have put in your bank details it will make the payment, however this could take up to three days to go through.
Please see below a tutorial video which will hopefully help you through the payment process.